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1 settembre 2017 Commenti disabilitati su Mini BMotion Danza 2017 | Feedback of “Deepspace” by James Batchelor Views: 2652 Dancing Kids, News, Projects

Mini BMotion Danza 2017 | Feedback of “Deepspace” by James Batchelor

La danza vista dai bambini | Feedback numero 4.

I bambini di Mini B Motion ci raccontano questa volta lo spettacolo Deepspace di James Bacthelor. Come sempre, ognuno di loro sceglie modi diversi di raccontare: chi disegna a matita, chi usa i pennarelli, chi i carboncini. Chi sceglie fogli colorati, chi fogli bianchi; chi privilegia il segno, chi il colore. Alcuni condensano il racconto dello spettacolo attraverso la rappresentazione degli oggetti di scena: la palla blu che ricorda il Globo Terrestre; la corda che ricorda gli ormeggi e le cime, le sfere e le biglie, la t-shirt nera, i pannelli bianchi che richiamano frammenti di iceberg. Qualcuno, questi oggetti, li disegna tutti, stilizzandoli in macchie d’inchiostro nero su cartoncino blu che ci si può divertire ad accostare ai Blu di Mirò. Altri disegnano le scene di danza dalle quali sono rimasti più colpiti: quella dei due performers che si arrampicano sulla parete, uno sopra l’altro; quella delle evoluzioni con la corda; quella finale delle biglie, che qualcuno disegna come un novello mito platonico della Caverna. Alcuni ritraggono con colorata semplicità i due performers.

Dance seen through a child’s eyes | Feedback number 4

This time the Mini B Motion youngsters depicted James Batchelor’s Deepspace. As always, they each choose different ways to relate it: some draw with pencils, some with felt-tips, others used charcoal sticks. Some opted for coloured paper, others plain white. Some privileged the marks made, others the colours. Some condensed the show’s narrative by representing each scene’s objects: the blue beachball that brought to mind our globe, the cordage that evoked mooring ropes, spheres and marbles, the black t-shirt, white panels that hint at shivers from an iceberg. One of them drew all of these props, black ink stains on blue card that amounted to a worthy pastiche of Joan Miró’s Triptych Bleu. Others depicted the dance scenes that had most affected them: the episode where the two performers scaled across the wall, one on the other’s shoulders; that evolution with the rope; the final act with marbles which one of them interpreted as an updated allegory of Plato’s cave. A few portrayed the two performers in colourful simplicity.

Photo Gallery | Feedback from 27 August, 2017: Deepspace by James Batchelor

  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor
  • Mini B Motion Feedback | "Deepspace" by James Batchelor

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